Confirmation Program

Confirmation Year Program

Year 2 of Confirmation Preparation

CCD: Confirmation 2024-2025

Parent Program

  1. Submit Confirmation Packet
  2. More information will be given at parent meeting

   2. Explore 4

  • Attend 4 different parish events & Submit Reflection Form (QR code will be posted on my door)
  • Program listing below

   3.Online Parent Formation 

  •   use zip code 33146
  • The Catholic Parent: Six Videos + 6 Submissions

Student Program Requirements

  • Weekly mass attendance
  • Saint Report
  • Details and due date TBA
  • Book Report
  • Whichever of the two books they did not read last year: Rediscover the Saints or Theology of His Body/Theology of Her Body
  • Details and due date TBA
  • Retreat- Nov 16 9am-5:30pm
  • Students only
  • Lunch provided
  • More details TBA
  • Service Projects TBA
  • Hermanos Outreach
  • Oct 17 during class time 
  • Parent involvement required
  • Sunday Mass Service
  • Students will serve as Lectors, offertory collectors, or serving snacks and coffee after mass

Calendar & Class Schedule

  • Thursdays 6:00- 8:00
  • Plan other activities accordingly- 3 tardies or early release= 1 absence
  • Last Thursday of each month the class will attend 7pm mass with their teacher- parents are encouraged to join!
  • September 12- December 12
  • Parent Meeting: FIRST DAY OF CLASS- Sept 12
  • Drop your child off in class then attend parent meeting
  • Ceremony: Saturday, December 14, 2o24 @10am
  • Rehearsal: Thursday, December 12 @5:30pm
  • One parent, sponsor and students should be in attendance 

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