Upcoming Events

Weekly Parish Events



We meet weekly for an hour to pray a rosary for the needs of all prayer request that have come to the parish and then do the work of care through follow up calls, writing cards for the sick, elderly, grieving of our community, etc.



YAG Tuesdays at 8pm in the parish hall The topic is always something different, to empower you to know and live the faith in your everyday life. There are guest speakers, witnesses, small groups, mixers, videos, etc.. depending on the night and theme. It's an incredible night to grow in your relationship with God and other young adults on the journey!



Thank you for your interest in serving our brothers & sisters who are homeless through making sandwiches. Please register to be a part of this project! When you come to serve, please bring 3 loaves of bread & a jar of peanut butter. CLICK HERE

Once a month

2nd Tuesdays at 10am

All moms with babies and toddlers are invited to come play at 10am and pray a rosary together. This is a group to grow in friendship and pray for our children together.

Monthly Parish Events

Women of the Parish

First wednesday of each month at 7:30pm

All women of the parish are invited to our monthly meetings to be renewed in your identity and mission as a woman of God. Click here for more info

Couple's Date Night


Couples of all ages are invited for a night of dinner, drinks, & formation in the vocation of marriage followed by games. It's a fun and exciting night of marriage enrichment! Click here for more info

Men's Group Egiero


Our Mission: By way of formation, fraternity, and fellowship, EGEIRO aims to equip men with the tools needed to embrace their masculine identity as son, husband, and father, in order to live out their missionary calling in the world. Commitment to Christ’s teachings, brotherly bonds, and service to the Church, lie at the heart of what we value and who we are. Click here for more info

Third Thursdays of Each Month

Volunteer: Hermanos Outreach

Third Thursday of each month

Law Enforcement, fire-fighters & military

Third Thursday of each month

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