The Sacrament of Baptism for Infants and Children is celebrated the first and third Saturdays of each month. Parents and Godparents must attend a Baptism Preparation Class prior to the Baptism date.
Godparents must also present a letter from their parish that they are Catholics in good standing and that they have received all their sacraments of initiation (Baptism, Communion & Confirmation). The Parents must provide the birth certificate of the child.
Please contact the Parish Office at least two months prior to the desired date for the Baptism: 305-661-1648 or email
St. Augustine holds a
Baptism Prep Class once a month, on Saturday at 9:30am - 12:00pm.
REGISTER for the Baptism Prep Class.
For Adult Baptism, please see the RCIA program info below and email
Michelle Lopez.
Saturdays from 10am - 1pm
Tuesdays from 4:00pm - 6:00pm (not during summer months)
Wednesdays on UM Campus from 11am-1pm (not during summer months)
You may also schedule an appointment by calling the Parish Office: 305-661-1648
For information on children's religious education, please view our Religious Education Page.
For information on adults seeking first communion, please see the info on the RCIA program below or contact
For information on Eucharistic Adoration, click here
The Youth Confirmation program is a two year program for children in the 7th grade and up. Please contact Diana Rojas for more information or view our religious education page
Sponsors: If you are a full member of the Catholic Church and wish to sponsor someone as they prepare to receive the Sacraments of Initiation, please contact
Adults seeking Confirmation (18 and over), please see the RCIA program info below or contact
If you are currently engaged to be married and would like to celebrate your wedding at St. Augustine's, please call the Parish Office at least 6 months in advance to begin your marriage preparation: 305-661-1648 or email Michelle Lopez for first steps.
We have a wonderful program to help prepare you to live fully and joyfully the vocation of matrimony!
Marriage Enrichment at St Augustine
Marriage Info and Resources
Do you feel called to Priesthood or Religious Life?
Do you desire to pray for these vocations? Click here for the Vocations Chalice ministry
Do you feel called to the Permanent Diaconate?
If you or a family member is going through a serious physical, mental or spiritual illness or are hospitalized, please receive the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. Contact the Parish Office: 305-661-1648
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Interested in becoming Catholic? Or missing a Sacraments of Initiation (First Communion, Confirmation)? Join a wonderful community for the journey of discovering (or re-discovering) the beauty and brilliance of our Catholic faith.
Classes start the last Monday of August and run til the end of April. This is a formation program to prepare you to receive the Sacraments and be equipped to live the faith joyfully lifelong.
For more information,
sign up here or email
Our community is here for you as you experience the death of a loved one. Please call the Parish Office for more information and we will walk with you through this difficult time: 305-661-1648
Grieving with Hope Series: Join others who are grieving for a 7 week workshop (once a year) that is prayerful, practical and personal in journeying through the loss of
a loved one. Email for more information