- Undergrad students, sign up here
-Grad (all colleges, law, medical, etc) students, sign up here
- UCatholic Praying Parents
Meeting once a month during the semester to pray a rosary for our children in college. First Monday of the month at 8pm EST on zoom.
To sign up, click here
- UCatholic Faculty, Staff & Admin on campus: once a month for a luncheon, click here for details
- Join our monthly ONLINE GIVING family!
Join us in our mission to form college students in the faith & equip them to be life-long catholics & passionate leaders in the world. Click here for details on being a part of our mission through the giving society.
(Campus Ministry Coordinator)
FOCUS Team leader
General Weekly Activities
-Sundays @ 6:30PM - ACU Men's Honor Society Meeting in the St Augustine library.
-Sundays @ 8PM - College Mass at St Augustine Church followed by a Social.
-Tuesdays @ 4-6pm - Confession is available outside in the St. Augustine Church courtyard (1400 Miller Rd.)
-Tuesdays @ 7pm - Mass & free Meal; join us for Mass followed by a free meal
-Wednesdays @12-2pm - Confession is available on campus, find our table in breezeway for location
-Thursdays @ 1-3pm - Chaplain Office Hours. Stop by at the table on campus Starbucks to chat with a catholic priest
-Thursdays @ 8PM - Thrive Night. A night of fellowship, community and faith formation at UCatholic center on campus
Bible Study Small Groups - Get to know other students and grow together through our Bible Study Series! More details coming soon, email CARTER
Backyard Mission Service Projects- take place twice a month